Topics Covered in C#
- What is .net, Features & advantages of .net
- What is .net frame work CLR, BCL, JIT, Name spaces
- Introduction to C# language, Data types, Console applications, Control statements, If else, for, while, Do while, Functions & procedures
- Oops concepts, classes objects ,introduction to windows, applications, forms
- Text boxes, labels, buttons, picture boxes List boxes ,Combo Boxes, timer
- Radio buttons, check boxes, Message boxes, track bar,Scroll bars Creation of Main menu, Tool strip, rich text box, status bar, context menu, tab control, tree view, Concepts of Files
- File stream, stream reader, stream writer
- Introduction to ADO.NET, Objects of Connected Architecture (Connection, Command, Reader) ADO.NET Objects of Disconnected architecture (Connection, adapter, dataset)
- Usage of data controls, Data grid view, adapter, dataset, Inserting, deleting, updating records in the database, binding manager base (SQL server, disconnected arch.)
- Inserting, deleting, updating records, in the database (SQL Server, connected arch.) Inserting , deleting, updating In MS. Access & SQL Database
- Introduction to assemblies (private assemblies) Global assemblies
- Crystal reports (creating & modifying the design), Windows services, Icon creation
- Exception handling & Setup & deployment
- Outline revision